In 2016, Ott Consulting entered into a contract with the Roseto Borough Sewer Authority, Northampton County, to provide engineering and survey services required for the maintenance and operation of the Borough’s sewer system. These services were essential to the Borough’s Sewer Authority providing critical detail documentation of all system facilities. Our first responsibility involved our survey team locating each manhole in the sanitary sewer system and collecting elevation data for the rim elevation and the invert elevation in the middle of the flow channel. From these surveys, we prepared an overall system map in addition to as-built plans and profiles for each sanitary sewer main.
As a result of a Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) grant application prepared in 2016, working with the Borough Sewer Authority, Ott Consulting assisted in preparing a detailed contract for sanitary sewer cleaning and televise/manhole rehabilitation of the borough-wide sanitary sewer system. Project tasks that were performed during 2018 included cleaning and televising the sewer mains in the entire system with reports, manhole inspections with reports, chemical root removal, and test & grout seal joints.
In coordination with engineering services and improvements to the sewer system, OCI prepared a comprehensive Geographic Information System (GIS) plan as a management tool to assist the Borough in the day-to-day operations and maintenance of the sanitary sewer system. All inventoried location reports and CCTV videos have been linked to their respective points or lines in an ArcReader project. In addition, OCI used a GoPro Camera mounted to a vehicle to collect at-grade videos along each pipe run.
You can contact OCI at:
Lehigh Valley Office: Located in Zionsville, PA
5831 Kings Highway South
Zionsville, PA 18092
Phone: (610) 928-4690
Fax: (610) 928-4695
Slate Belt Office: Located in Bangor, PA
PO Box 226
513 South Main Street
Bangor, PA 18013
Phone: (610) 588-2411
Fax: (610) 588-6280