Slate Belt MS4 Public Outreach

On Monday, March 13th, Jeffrey L. Ott, PE, MBA, President of Ott Consulting Inc., and Municipal Engineer for the Borough of Bangor, presented information regarding the Borough’s stormwater management system, a part of a MS4 Public Outreach Program. Stormwater regulations associated with the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) are administered under the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) program. The MS4 program focuses on managing discharges into the waters of the region through education and implementation of proper control measures and best management practices (BMPs).

Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System MS4s Slate Belt MS4 Public Outreach

Photo Courtesy of Larry Cory, Slate Belt Town Topics

Mr. Ott presented a map of the Borough and discussed how stormwater runoff, and any other runoff, eventually finds its way into the Martins Creek, which flows through the Borough. While storm sewers are designed to carry stormwater runoff, the flow may contain other undesirable contaminants. It can be contaminated by sediment or pollutants from other sources. Managing this runoff is key to maintaining clean water.



You can contact OCI at

Lehigh Valley Office: Located in Emmaus, PA
222 Main Street
Emmaus, PA 18049
Phone: (610) 928-4690
Fax: (610) 928-4695

Slate Belt Office: Located in Bangor, PA
PO Box 226
187 Blue Valley Drive
Bangor, PA 18013
Phone: (610) 588-2411
Fax: (610) 588-6280

Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System MS4s Slate Belt MS4 Public Outreach
Article Name
Slate Belt MS4 Public Outreach
The MS4 program focuses on managing discharges into the waters of the region
Ott Consulting Inc.